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Islamic Law and Sustainable Development Goals Image
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Islamic Law and Sustainable Development Goals

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Design the Roadmap of Holistic Financial Inclusion for Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil

GCG, ROE and Size on CSR Based on Sharia Enterprises Theory Image
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GCG, ROE and Size on CSR Based on Sharia Enterprises Theory

Islamic Law and Sustainable Development Goals Image
Islamic Law and Sustainable Development Goals Image
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Islamic Law and Sustainable Development Goals

Design the Roadmap of Holistic Financial Inclusion for Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil Image
Design the Roadmap of Holistic Financial Inclusion for Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil Image
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Design the Roadmap of Holistic Financial Inclusion for Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil

GCG, ROE and Size on CSR Based on Sharia Enterprises Theory Image
GCG, ROE and Size on CSR Based on Sharia Enterprises Theory Image
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GCG, ROE and Size on CSR Based on Sharia Enterprises Theory

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Hubungan antara Perdagangan Internasional, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Perkembangan Industri Keuangan Syariah di Indonesia Image
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Hubungan antara Perdagangan Internasional, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Perkembangan Industri Keuangan Syariah di Indonesia

Di dalam konteks ekonomi terbuka, perdagangan Internasional dalam hal ini adalah ekspor dan impor, dan aliran dana antarnegara menjadi sesuatu yang tidak dapat dinafikan perannya dalam pemberian kontribusi bagi pertumbuhan. Sedangkan untuk hubungan keduanya terhadap perkembangan industri keuangan syariah di Indonesia nampaknya hingga saat ini belum ada yang mencoba menelisik lebih jauh. Studi ini mencoba menganalisis pola hubungan antara perdagangan Internasional, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan perkembangan industri keuangan dan bisnis syariah di Indonesia dengan menggunakan metode Vector Auto Regression (VAR) dan Vector Error Correction Model (VECM).Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pola hubungan antara ekspor dan growth adalah bi-directional causation yakni growth driven export dan export led growth. Begitu pula variabel impor. Temuan lain yang menarik adalah bahwa ternyata booming industri syariah belakangan ini tidak berkorelasi positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia secara makro. Begitu pula fakta bahwa semakin besar growth Indonesia tidak diiringi dengan semakin suburnya industri keuangan syariah. Oleh karena itu, syarat utama agar share industri syariah Indonesia dapat tumbuh dan berkembang signifikan adalah perlu political will dari pemerintah.JEL Classification : F40, F43, G20, G21
Macroeconomic Determinants of Islamic Banking Financing Image
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Macroeconomic Determinants of Islamic Banking Financing

The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between Islamic banking financing and macroeconomic variables as well as its response to key economic variables including real output, price level, interest rate and trade for the case of Indonesia. This research uses time series econometric analysis such as Granger Causality and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). Time series data used are total Islamic banking financing, industrial production index (IPI), customer price index (CPI), Certificate Bank Indonesia (SBI) rate and International trade. The results show that there is bi-directional relationship between Islamic banking financing and price level as well as Islamic banking financing and interest rate. Meanwhile, the uni directional causality occurs between Islamic banking financing and real output as well as Islamic banking financing and trade. In this case, Islamic banking financing is affected by IPI. Islamic banking financing is not affected by trade but trade is significantly affected by Islamic banking financing. In addition, Islamic banking financing is relatively sensitive to the shock of price level, real output and interest rate.
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Pengaruh Variabel Makro dan Mikro terhadap Npl Perbankan Konvensional dan NPF Perbankan Syariah Image
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Pengaruh Variabel Makro dan Mikro terhadap Npl Perbankan Konvensional dan NPF Perbankan Syariah

This research attempts to identify the effect of macro and micro variables to NPL (Non Performing Loan) in conventional banking and NPF (Non Performing Financing) in syariah banking. The macro and micro variables used in this research are IPI (Industrial Production Index), inflation, exchange rate, SWBI/SBIS (Sertifikat Wadiah Bank Indonesia/Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Syariah), SBI (Sertifikat Bank Indonesia), LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio), FDR (Financing to Deposit Ratio), and CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio).This research finds that in short run, there is no significant variables effecting NPL and NPF. In long run significant variables effecting NPL are exchange rate, IPI, inflation, SBI, LDR, and CAR and significant variables effecting NPF are lnER, lnIPI, inflasi, SBIS, FDR_BS, and CAR. According to the IRF result, this research finds that NPF in islamic banking is more stable than NPL in conventional banking to deal with macro and micro variables fluctuation. According to FEVD variables affecting NPL in conventional banking are inflation and SBI; variable affecting NPF in syariah banking is only FDR.JEL Classification: D81,G21
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