Integrasi Media Sosial pada Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Filsafat Pendidikan Islam
2018  //  DOI: 10.31539/joeai.v1i1.180
Irwan Faturrahman


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Integrasi Media Sosial pada Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Filsafat Pendidikan Islam Image

This scientific journal is one of the dissemination of the ideas of the results of research conducted on the course of Islamic Education Philosophy which is integrated with social media to measure how much influence in improving student's motivation to learn. The research method used is quasi experiment. While the research design used in this study is nonequivalent control group design where the observations made twice before the treatment and after treatment. Observations made before treatment are called pre-tests, and post-test post-test observation.The study was conducted in the Department of Tarbiyah STAIN Curup, with two classes that were compared, namely class A as experiment class (Prodi BKI with 13 students) and class B as control class (Prodi MPI with 19 students). Data analysis technique in this research use liliefors test to test data normality, fisher test to test data homogeneity, t-test to test hypothesis, and normal gain to know difference of student's learning motivation between experiment class and control class. The calculation results of hypothesis testing obtained t-count of 3.2 with the price of t-table of 2.08, then t-count> t-table. Thus from the results of this study can be concluded that there is the influence of learning courses Islamic Philosophy Education is integrated with social media to increase student learning motivation.
Keywords: Learning, Social Media, Learning Motivation.

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