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Fraksi Etil Asetat Kulit Batang Faloak (Sterculia Quadrifida ) Menginduksi Apoptosis dan Siklus Sel pada Sel Kanker Payudara T47d Image
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Fraksi Etil Asetat Kulit Batang Faloak (Sterculia Quadrifida ) Menginduksi Apoptosis dan Siklus Sel pada Sel Kanker Payudara T47d

Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) is one source of bioactive compounds that could be developed as chemotherapeutic agent. Empirically East Nusa Tenggara people use boiled water of faloak bark as a cure for hepatitis (types A, B, and C), and gastroenteritis. This study was performed to test anticancer activity fraction of n-hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and methanol of ethanolic extract from faloak stem bark for the type of breast cancer cell line T47D, and normal cell types Vero using cytotoxic 3- (4,5-dimetilazol- 2-yl) -2,5-difeniltetrazolium bromide (MTT) test method. Ethanolic extract was subjected to column chromatography using different solvents polarity level as n-hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and methanol. Testing the cytotoxic effects using the MTT assay in T47D breast cancer cells and normal Vero cells with EC50 parameter. Ethyl acetate fraction in inducing apoptosis and cell cycle modulation was observed with flowcytometry method. The test results cytotoxic fraction indicating the fraction of ethyl acetate has the lowest activity with EC50 of 24.88 μg/mL and selectivity index of 15.58. Ethyl acetate fraction effects an accumulation of cells in S phase (27.43%) in breast cancer cells T47D which is able to induce apoptosis. These results demonstrate that the ethyl acetate fraction can be developed as a chemotherapeutic agent in improving the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment.
Sintesis Asam Sinamat dari Benzaldehida dan Asam Malonat dengan Katalis Dietilamina Image
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Sintesis Asam Sinamat dari Benzaldehida dan Asam Malonat dengan Katalis Dietilamina

Cinnamic acid is a natural compound that has known had activities as: antimicrobia; flavour in food; soap; cosmetic; and inhibitor proliferation of caco-2 cells. Cinammic acid compound commonly got by isolated kayu manis bark with yield 2.2%. There was a limitation amount of cinnamic acid that got by isolation so needed another effort to get much amount of cinnamic acid. There was an effort to get much amount of cinnamic acid that was by synthesized it. Synthesis process was carried out by reacted benzaldehyde 45 mmol (4.9 g) and malonic acid 45 mmol (4.5 ml) with catalyzed dietylamina for 7.5 hours at 80OC. Synthetic compound was carried out organoleptic test, solubility test, melting point test, gas chromatography, structure elucidation with ultraviolet spectrophotometry, infrared spectrophotometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR), mass spectroscopy; and amount of yield. Synthetic compound was white smooth crystal powder, and had a specific flavour with yield was4.68% and melting point was 132-133OC. Solubility test showed the synthetic compound dissolved in ethanol, methanol, chloroform, dimethyl sulfoxide, hot water, and acetone; very difficult soluble in water. Gas chromatography chromatogram showed one peak with retention time 13.321 minute. Based on structure elucidation conclude that synthetic compound was cinnamic acid.
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Hubungan Procalsitonin dan Gambaran Morfologi Leukosit pada Infeksi Bakterial Image
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Hubungan Procalsitonin dan Gambaran Morfologi Leukosit pada Infeksi Bakterial

Bacterial sepsis increases morbidity and mortality in all ages. Early detection has been shown to be crucial for the improved outcome of patients with sepsis. Till now there is no routine test forscreening. Procalcitonin and morphology of leukocytes are biomarkers of bacterial sepsis. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between procalcitonin and morphology of leukocytes as marker in bacterial infection. This study was analytical observational with cross sectional design and data collected prospectively.This study measured simultaneously the value of procalcitonin and morphology of leukocytes examination in patients with suspected bacterial infection in hospital X of Yogyakarta. Data were analysed by statistics. The results showed immature granulocytes and vacuolization of neutrophils in the leucocytes morphology has a significant correlation with level of procalcitonin.
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Uji In Silico Senyawa Emodin sebagai Ligan pada Reseptor Estrogen Alfa

Uji In Silico Senyawa Emodin sebagai Ligan pada Reseptor Estrogen Alfa Image
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Efek Proteksi Dekokta Kulit Alpukat Pada Hepar Tikus Terinduksi Karbon Tetraklorida

Efek Proteksi Dekokta Kulit Alpukat Pada Hepar Tikus Terinduksi Karbon Tetraklorida Image
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Stabilitas Epigalokatekin Galat dalam Krim Ekstrak Teh Hijau dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Antioksidan Vitamin C 1% dan Vitamin E 1%

Stabilitas Epigalokatekin Galat dalam Krim Ekstrak Teh Hijau dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Antioksidan Vitamin C 1% dan Vitamin E 1% Image
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